HVAC Project 2025-25
Our Property Committee reports that major repairs need to happen to our HVAC system in the church, namely the air handlers and boilers. The project was contingent on a funding plan, which was subsequently developed and approved by our Finance Committee.
​Two video presentations were created and we encourage you view them.
Property Chair, Ben Crew, and Pr. Alan Combs, outline the scope of the work
Finance Chair, Mark Moore, and Pr. Alan Combs, discuss the financial details
FAQ for First UMC HVAC Project
What is in need of repair?
There are three air handlers that serve the Sanctuary, Fellowship Hall, and Chapel. In May the Fellowship Hall air handler failed and was assessed to be beyond repair. The two other air handlers are the same age (all three were install in the 70’s), and the need for this project has been monitored by our Church leadership over the past 10 years. Our Trustees determined that the most prudent approach would be to go forward with replacing all three air handlers. This will also include upgrading the current system for efficiency and functionality. These replacements will take place during the first quarter of 2025.
What is total cost of the HVAC project?
The project is estimated to be $800,000 which allows for contingencies. This amount includes our contract with Trane, Consultant Engineering Design, Construction Administration, and any testing that may need to be completed in the course of the project.
How will the project be funded?
A combination of support from our Church Endowment and a congregational capital campaign.
The funding plan developed by the Finance Committee, includes the $800,000 for HVAC system as the immediate need we have to care for. Our boilers are of a similar age, and an additional $200,000 would allow us to address those as well, caring for most of the HVAC/Heating concerns for many years to come. Therefore, our goal is $1,000,000.
Endowment - The trustees allotted $400,000; the total amount currently available for distribution from the fund. This leaves a goal of $600,000 from the congregation.
2 for 1 Gift Matching – One donor has agreed to donate $1 for every $2 raised, up to $130,000. In essence if we raise $260,000, we will receive the full amount of $130,000 towards the project.
How can I contribute?
You can donate by making a check out to First United Methodist Church, with “HVAC Project” in the memo line. You can also donate to the project by clicking the donate button below and your gift will be designated for this project.
Who do I talk to if I have questions?
For questions about the scope and details of the project, you may contact our Property Chair, Ben Crew at (540) 397-0543.
For questions about the Financing Plan and Capital Campaign, you may contact our Finance Chair, Mark Moore at (540) 312-6209, Pastor Alan Combs at (540) 389-5459, or Joseph Ferguson at (540) 387-3075.
Your Financial Support is Appreciated!
Thank you very much!